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How to Stop "The Service ____ is Stopped" Service Tickets in Labtech.

Labtech Noise | Labtech Consulting at Comprehensive MSP

When you get Labtech it is not uncommon to be excited about the wealth of information you can now get from your client networks, however one thing you may not be prepared for is just how much you are going to be notified. In this article we look at one area in particular you will immediately see quite a few tickets being generated from. By default you are alerted when almost any service stops on a client machine. This is a problem because quite a few services are designed to stop periodically or you simply do not care about them. There simply must be an easy way to make these stop, right? There is.

Labtech uses what it calls a "Blacklist" which is not what it sounds like. This is not a list of services which have somehow been marked as "bad" by Labtech. This is actually a list that Labtech itself uses to keep track of the services you want restarted and ticketed should they stop for any reason. When a service stop is detected, Labtech checks against it's blacklist and should it find the service in question listed there, it ignores it. You can add services to this list from any agent that has the service installed. Here's how:

Firstly, note the name of the PC and the Service on the ticket board. You will need this information:

Labtech Tickets | Labtech Consulting at Comprehensive MSP

Type the name of the Agent in Question in the search bar to locate it easily:

Reducing Noise in Labtech

In the search window, locate the machine and double click to open it:

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Once you have the agent open, click on the services tab:

Reducing Noise in Labtech | Labtech Consulting at Comprehensive MSP

Locate the service in question, right click it, and choose "blacklist service":

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The service will now be highlighted in pink to indicate it is now blacklisted at a global level (not just that agent).

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You will now not be notified again if this service stops nor will it attempt to restart it. It is however important to note that some services have explicitly set monitors that circumvent this method. A good example of this would be "GPSvc is Stopped" tickets. This service is monitored separately through a remote monitor by default so while stopping that ticket does require blacklisting the service, it also will require disabling that monitor.

Now suppose you want to see what is already in the blacklist. This can be easily accomplished as well:

Viewing the service blacklist in Labtech is easy. Here's how:

Open the Dashboard:

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Navigate the tabs to "Config\Configurations\Service Blacklist":

Reducing Noise in Labtech | Labtech Consulting at Comprehensive MSP

From here you can easily view and remove blacklisted services.

Happy Labteching!

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