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How Long Does Labtech Retain Information?

When using Labtech for client management, it is not uncommon to need to look up historical data for an agent. This may be to troubleshoot a recurring issue, to get an idea of what recently has occured on a system, or for any number of fact finding tasks.

Labtech RMM Log Retention | Labtech Consulting at Comprehensive MSP

For numerous reasons it may be necessary to understand or alter how long of a span information concerning alerts, command history, patching history, etc. is retained. This is very easy to do and here is how:


Open the Dashboard:

Labtech RMM Dashboard | Support at Comprehensive MSP

Click on the Config Tab and you will see each setting displayed in days:

Labtech RMM Log Retention | Labtech Consulting at Comprehensive MSP

Here you can manually adjust the number of days (or hours for some) that historical data concerning each of the listed areas is retained. After making your edits, simply click save and that is it!

For reference, here is a brief description of what the values for each field mean:

Client StatsThe number of days that client statistics should be retained.

Computer StatsThe number of days that computer statistics should be retained.

Location StatsThe number of days that location statistics should be retained.

Active CommandsThe number of hours that commands that are being processed should be retained.

Failed CommandsThe number of days that failed commands should be retained.

CommandsThe number of days that the history for all commands issued by the LabTech system should be


SoftwareThe number of days that the history for all installed software should be retained.

HardwareThe number of days that the history for all hardware changes should be retained.

DrivesThe number of days that the history for all drive changes should be retained.

ProcessesThe number of days that the history for all processes that have been started and stopped should be retained.

AuditingThe number of days that the history for all auditing information for the LabTech system should be retained.

ScriptsThe number of days that the history for all scripts that have been run should be retained. This does not include the Scheduled Scripts view - scripts that have been disabled will only be retained for four days and are indicated by a yellow highlight.

Script LogsThe number of days that the history of all script logs from previously run scripts should be retained.

Critical Event Logs CountsThe number of days that history of all critical event log counts should be retained.

MonitorsThe number of days that the history of the monitors for the LabTech system should be retained.

Event Log HistoryThe number of days that the event log history should be retained.

Probe StatsThe number of days that probe statistics should be retained.

Patching HistoryThe number of days that the patching history for the LabTech system should be retained.

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