Labtech 11 - Patch 11.0.4 - Released September 19, 2016

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The following items have been fixed in the 11.0.4 patch. Once updated, your Control Center version will change to 11.0.318.
New Features/Enhancements
The Approvals Setting column within the Approvals view of the Patch Manager has been removed from the grid and added to the toolbar.
The Approvals view within the Patch Manager allows you to select multiple rows of discovered patches and now apply an Approval Setting from the newly enhanced toolbar to those selected patches.
The Manufacturer column within the Approvals view of the Patch Manager now appears first within the grid.
The Patch Manager has been optimized to create a more efficient user experience. Many of the views and grids will load faster than before, promoting easier navigation between them.
Corrected an issue where updates to the manual approval process did not consider third party patches in the Patch Manager.
Corrected an issue where filters were being applied incorrectly in the Patch Manager.
Corrected an issue where switching filters on the Device view from Client to Group would cause the device grid to load indefinitely in the Patch Manager.
Corrected an issue where the Compliance column did not properly display the Compliance % per patch in the Patch Manager. As well as, the sorting on that column has been corrected in the Patch Manager.
Corrected an issue where the Patch Manager would crash when no devices were selected within the Devices view.
Corrected an issue where the patch list within the Device view would be empty after approving a patch within the Approval view in the Patch Manager.
Corrected an issue where Microsoft patches could not be installed or uninstalled from within the Patches view in the Patch Manager.
Corrected an issue with Patch Manager where the Patch Failed counts were calculating as a negative number in the Patches view.
Corrected an issue where the Patches view in the Patch Manager did not display the correct count within the Approval Policies column.